Hi Bonnie,
I was astounded to learn that you were baptized within days of my own dunking. I just looked it up, the date I mean. It was the first Saturday of November, the 3rd. My 16th birthday would be on the 7th. I was still 15 years old and remember that it was an indoor pool. The venue was Westerly, R.I., and it was a circuit assembly. I believe it was bro Edward Dunlap, the District Overseer, who gave the Sunday public address.
Look him up, it'll only take a few seconds. A prominent brother, giving some 70 years of his life before getting out of Watchtower in the 1980 Bethel purge.
Randy Watters, in Bethel at the time, recalls what shocked everyone there.
"I remember the day Dunlap was going to be DFed (or at least announced as such).
I was at my table in the dining room at 124. I was literally shaking, and as a table head that was unnerving to me. I wondered if anyone else knew what I felt. My heart was pounding like a drum. My pulse could be seen in my arm. I was so paranoid I thought I was gong to pass out. I looked around, but everyone was preoccupied with the announcement. I don't even remember who the jackass GB member was who read it off. People were weeping, it was surreal. Never before in 5 years of Bethel had I seen this.
Cabeen had told me the night before that they were going to read off his DFing. So I knew it would be big. After that it was really hard for me to go to breakfast, as I couldn't eat. What was fun and clever, being Martin Luther at the Wittenburg door, was suddenly real life, and people were getting "killed." I wanted out."
Your getting out with Clyde together is remarkable -- and wonderful. I got out in 1977 so it'll be 40 years at the early part of next year for me.
ps: I need to share something with you, but privately. You'll see why when you read my private message.
Len Miller
(later edit: What a dunce -- me, that is. I just noticed that you were baptized in September. Sorry for the confusion.)